Welcome to the official website of the
Oligarch State of Curnon
Official website of the Oligarch State of Curnon
Curnon is a nation with an ideological foundation based on oligarchic principles. We were founded by Asa Ward on New year's eve 2022.
Curnon asserts itself as a sovereign entity separate from any recognized nation-state, and of any micronation.
Asa Ward, Main Leader and founder.
Daniel Gomez, Co-leader.
Willow Cizdeizd, Co-leader.
General information about Curnon
Status: Stable - Active - Growing.
Name Variations: The Oligarch State of Curnon (Long Version) / The O.S.C. (Abbreviated Version) / Curnon (Short Version) / O.S.C. (Short and Abbreviated version)
Leaders: Main leader: Asa Ward. Co-leaders: Daniel Gomez, Willow Cizdeizd
Government system: Oligarchy (Trio)
Size: 43.8 Acres
Population: 19
Official Languages: English
Recognised national languages: Spanish, Norwegian, Esperanto, Toki Pona, and Curno-Gaelic
Recognized regional languages: French, German, Esperanto, Dutch, Italian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Hindi, Cantonese, Romanian, Russian, Latin, Mandarin, Jamaican Creole, Pontunian and Boredeš
Currencies: USD, Curno Hydro.
Capital: South City
Provinces: Alice city - Asa islands - Cetresia - Le flag - Northern territories - Relanon - South City
National Animal: Raccoon
National Drink: Pink Lemonade
National Plant: Buckeye Tree
National Bird: Blue Jay
National Colors: Purple, Red, Yellow
National Sport: Knife throwing
Anthem: none yet, making one soon! :D
Timezone, - 5 GMT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Denonyms: Curn(s) / Curno
Date Format: DD/MM/YYYY
Motto: “Cur non?, Why not?, Por qué no, cén fáin níl?”
Our Government
Curnon is governed by an Oligarch with Asa Ward, Willow Cizdeizd and Daniel Gomez. We have made many tangible items, land claims, and a community both in real life and Virtually
We are open to all Diplomatic Relations with other micronations*, except for "absorbing" and/or "combining" Curnon into another micronation, any request for anything that takes away our sovereignty even partially, will be taken as a huge offense and we will automatically refuse to interact with you. We also will not support or interact with those who do not pass a background search and/or questioning.
* Any nation allied to an enemy of curnon is not to have relations with curnon either.
Territory (this section will be outdated until september) (we no longer claim any territory withi louisiana)
Here is the current land claim of Curnon explained
South City, with 2 sections of a park near the spot this nation was originally founded within, a sign Asa put up on the fourth day of this nation's existence called "the sign of progress," and a lake close by.
Alice City, a home, and some yard in Southern Ohio. This is a part of property of Asa's Grandmother.
Asa Island, and 2 nearby islands in Maine, near Swans Island that are claimed to be called "Asa Islands". Lead by Daniel Gomez, a Co-Leader.
4. The Yorokonde Province, and Cetresia. These two Territories border one another, Cetresia as a jointly controlled region along with Pontunia
6. Relanon. Relanon is a joint territory bewteen Curnon, and Relania.
FUN FACT: Every Curno flag and everything within an inch of it is Curno territory (Unless that flag is within the borders of a micronation Curnon recognizes as independent from any other existing nation). This means that due to Asa Ward accidentally leaving a Curnon flag at Microcon 2023 Joliet, we technically claim territory in Joliet, maybe. it probably flew off by now.
The 3 Larger regions Depicted in Blue, Purple, and Red are called "Regions"
The 8 Medium Regions Depicted in black are called "Provinces"
The 8 small Regions Depicted in Green, Yellow, and Orange are called "Cities"
Approximate Map of our Territory
(Every dot specifically slightly misplaced for privacy reasons)
The Flags of Curnon
(will be updated)
Our People
We have 28 citizens as of July 2024.
This nation is home to people of multiple backgrounds, cultures, and religions.
Much of Curnon's Population is made up of members of the LGBTQ+ community, and Christians.
Religious beliefs in Curnon
Our Ideoligical Views
Curnon as a nation lies mostly poitically left. Curnon's Grand cabinet is made up entirely of Left wing Micronationalists. Curnon is very Progressive as well, Half of the Grand Cabinet is radically progressive.
Curnon is a very welcoming nation to the LGTBQ+ community, and VERY unwelcoming to hate groups of any type, or members of them.
(Many have confused Curnon's flag with being a pride flag, but it is not)
The political compass test results of 17 Citizens of Curnon
Micronational Foriegn Policy
We are open for and always welcome any diplomatic talks with other micronations, and will gladly speak with you. We will NOT join your micronation in any way, we will NOT combine with your micronation to form one Micronation! No Empire, No Clan, No Union, No Commonwealth. We accept joining alliances*, and our leader joining discord servers, and/or sharing of micronational information, although this will only happen after a background check.
Asa absolutely will study your micronation, website, way of speaking, general information, etc.
Asa will likely be happy to see your nation, and we are very friendly to other micronations, as long as they are NOT neo-nazis, rebels against a macronation, trying to take over the world, or who do not pass a background check. We are happy to talk with you and your nation, advising you to start/improve your country, to showing you why to get a website. Asa wants to learn about fellow small micronations and will try to chat with you about your nation now and then.
Anyway, thank you for reading this all!
Our E-mail, Discord, and other info are -> here <-
Microcon 2023, Joliet Illinois
Microcon is a biennial event that was held in Joliet, Illinois on June-July 2023, and we were in attendance at the event, with some of the youngest leaders out of anyone along with Asa Ward
Asa Ward (Main Leader) of Curnon attended at 13 years old, and was one of 3 attendees in the Curnon delegate.
Daniel Gomez (Co-Leader) attended MicroCon2023 under his own Micronation, Dostykstan.
MicroCon is a summit of micronationalists. The Main Leader of Curnon has attended Microcon2023, and gave Kevin Baugh (President of Molossia) two certificates of gratitude at the vent. Asa has gotten a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbon (3rd Place with the Adhoc's in Trivia, Second place in frisbee discus, and first place in soccer) for the Micronational Olympics.
The event was an unforgettable experience. This nation made contact with the leaders of micronations such as Westarctica, Molossia Ladonia, and Aerica. We have also met smaller nations such as Dostykstan, Belmoor, and Maristan. The Main leader plans to attend Microcon 2025, and possibly PoliNation 2024!
"The Only Reason I wouldn't go to Microcon 2025 is if I'm dead" (An actual quote from Asa Ward)
MicroCon 2023 attending Micronations run by children: Curnon, Hankland, Dostykstan, and Maristan.
There were 4 Micronations run by children under 15 years of age that attended MicroCon2023. Less than a year later, all of them have been hit with challenges the majority have fallen from. Only Curnon and Dostykstan remain in any relevant essence.
Hankland: Gone like dust. The first to fall was Hankland, this was because the leader simply lost interest, and had no intent on a real, dedicated Micronation. He is known as "The Benjistan of Microcon2023"
Dostykstan: Dostykstan has been doing relatively poorly. Due to a loss in citizens, the Leader being in another micronation, the Meaning of the micronation losing its founding meaning, difficulty in passing bills in their senate, and more Daniel Gomez has legitimately considered Dissolving Dostykstan. They will likely go through a radical change relatively soon, as if they are a different micronation, only keeping the Leader, Name, and Flag. The road ahead is misty and the future is uncertain for Dostykstan, we have and will keep trying to help our ally stay around and functional.
Maristan: Maristan is effectively gone. Due to a "Civil War" caused by Mari losing an election over differing political beliefs in the nation, and Mari distancing herself from the micronational community, Maristan has lost allies, and fallen into inactivity. Mari has claimed to not have the time or creativity to keep Maristan going for multiple months, and now this micronation only exists in her mind as a side project.
"They [Maristan] say they exist, but they don't." (Ward, M-n-M Podcast)
Less than 2 Months after MicroCon2023, both nations named after the leader fell. this simply shows why not to name a Micronation after yourself.
Asa Ward giving a speech at Microcon 2023, in Joliet, illinois.
That is all for the main page, now go check out some of the less complex but also very important pages that we've made!
Contact us
Our E-Mail is the best way to contact us if you simply want the answer for a single question, or if you want some information on us that isn't in the website.
Facebook is a decent way to contact us if you dont have any other option, although if you can we would like to redirect you to our Discord.
Reddit is the place to post things that are related to Curnon, and a great way to help our community on the app start to thrive!
Curnon's discord server
Discord is Overall the best way to Contact us, you can easily speak with any of the Leaders, Moderators, most Citizens, and others within Minutes! This is also our largest community by far, with much more you can do than other forms of virtual communication.
Curnon's MicroWiki page
Curnon's Microwiki page is a good place to have a summary of our history, beware, much of the information is not as up to date as on our website.
"Micronationalism is a giant art gallery, and each nation is a painting, go make a painting and hang it up!" (Ward, 2023).