Curnon symbolism

Flag of Curnon

The flag of Curnon features a distinctive design known as the 'Kialne', that serves as a symbol of the micronation's identity and aspirations

The main design is a Tri-color of Purple White and Red, seperated by two thin yellow bars, which line up with the Kailne, placed in the middle of the flag.

The purple represents the Beauty, government, history, culture, and People of the nation.
The white represents the Peaceful nature of the nation, and the Progress made throughout our history.
Red represents the Stuggles, effort, and payed price to make Curnon what it is today.

Currently, there are 6 handheld flags and a 3x5 printed in real life.

The Kialne

The Kialne servers as Curnon's official national symbol. Featured on the current flag, the Kialne is an adaptation of the 'Setting sun', which was featured on Curnon's former flag.

The '=' sign represents equality, and the fact that Curnon shal server as a nation free from baseless discrimination.

The Sun represents Curnon's glowing spirit, and outreach into the greater micronational community.

The red represents the Micronational Community in and of itself.
The yellow circle represents the "O" in 'Curnon' and 'OSC'.

Curnon's national colors in a tri-color

National colors

Curnon Purple - rgb(100,0,140)
White - rgb(255,255,255)
Red - rgb(140,0,0)